Irish Government Grant Funds Halcyon Days

We are pleased to announce that Halcyon Days: Ella Young in California, is supported by a grant from the Irish Department of Foreign Affairs, Emigrant Support Program

The Emigrant Support Program (ESP) supports the Irish diaspora worldwide with programs that support the vulnerable, as well as nurture Ireland’s cultural heritage abroad.

Since 2004, the Emigrant Support Programme (ESP) has assisted more than 850 organizations in 51 countries. Grants total over €237 million. Individual grants have ranged from small amounts for grass-roots groups to major allocations awarded to voluntary and community organizations operating on a large scale.

The award was featured in the Ireland House Quarterly, the newsletter of the Consulate General of Ireland, San Francisco

The grant to Tulsk Productions is possible through the fiscal sponsorship of the Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgender Historical Society and is the second grant from the ESP to the GLBT Historical Society.

The first grant funded “Out in the World: Ireland’s LBGTQ+ Diaspora” an exhibit at the Historical Society’s museum in the Castro. EPIC, the immigration museum in Dublin was a partner. Out in the World explored six themes and twelve stories, including the life of Gavin Arthur, a close friend of Ella Young.


Halcyon Days featured in Irish Star


A Pilgrimage